Lord of the Flies Chapter 12
perspective: Ralph
perspective: Ralph
I first tried to be safe in the thicket because I knew that they would never look there, and they would never even think to look in it either. When I saw Sam'n'Eric I was angry with them, but i had to appear nice so that they didn't call Jack. Sam and Eric were some of the last people in his group, and had pretty much betrayed him. Anyway Eric was nice enough to give me some meat, not Sam just Eric. This is where I start to call them Sam and Eric instead of Sam'n'Eric. They actually started to separate. Sam and Eric joined Jacks tribe for two reasons. One, they were captured, and sort of forced into the group. Second, they are followers and followed everyone else, who are with Jack. I saw Roger sharpening a stick on both ends, which means that he was going to cut his head off stick it through one end, and shove the other end into the ground. They were going to make a "Lord Of the Ralph". This scared me a lot. Since Jacks followers couldn't get him out they tried to burn him out, which was a bad idea because it burned down the whole island practically. When Ralph fled to the beach he discovered Simons secret place. Which is where I stopped and hid for a while, a place where I realized the death of Simon. Well I ran away from them, and they followed, but I am the fastest on the island. I also ran fast because I was scared. When the Navel officer arrived and asked for Percival's name he had forgotten, even though earlier on he had memorized a lot about his personal information. i take responsibility for the events on the island because i just now acknowledged that Simon and Piggy had died and that they where sort of his friends. The navel officer was disappointed in the boys because of two murders, they burned down the entire island, and appeared as savages.
- Matt H
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