Sunday, 7 February 2010

post 2

NAME: Matt Hansen
DATE: 2/7/10
TITLE: Heaven Is A Playground
TIME: 6:00
HOURS: 1 and a half
AUTHOR: Rick Telander
PAGES: 69 - 109

QUESTION 1: How did what you read today make you feel? Why?

Well, Actually before I got this book, and before I had even heard of this book my mom told me that it was said to be a book that all basketball players should read. This got me really excited, so I, while I was waiting for it to come in the mail, looked it up. I noticed that at least in the movie the author becomes the coach. So I’ve been waiting for this to happen since I started the book. But it only happened on page one hundred, so once I got to that point I felt a sort of happiness. Or kind of a “finally” feeling. Because The book wasn’t boring in the beginning, but it wasn’t that exciting either. So when this event happened it really changed the story, and drew me in as a reader. It all started when two players, Danny Odom’s, and Albert King asked him to be coach. They said that he had been sitting and watching them play, so he might as well just coach. Rick was like “Me?” They told him that he didn’t have to do anything, all he had to do was what he had been doing. Just sitting and watching. Maybe yelling every once in a while.

QUESTION 2: Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?

RESPONSE 2: I would read another book by this author because he writes exactly how he remembers it. Leaves out nothing and forgets nothing. I like this style because I can connect to it. This is because I can visualize the characters talking, and doing whatever the characters are doing. This is something that makes a book better than a movie. I haven’t yet finished a book that I liked more than a movie, but this one could be “That book”. I will just mention this again, but what sort of got me excited for reading this book was the movie. I looked it up, watched the trailer, and then again, and again. It got me excited because it seemed like the perfect movie for me, because I like basketball. The only other book that Rick Telander wrote was called “the one hundred yard line”, which dealed with the troubles of college and football.