Lord of the Flies
Chapter 7 - Shadows and Tall Trees
"Lies, Lies a Bunch of Lies"
Perspective: Ralph
I am changing into a more immature, and mature kid at the same time. I am becoming more mature and brave by going up and hunting for the beast. The beast is some sort of ape that can swim, and i was mature by not ruining our cover by screaming when he looked right at me. I was immature in the beginning of the chapter by goofing off, and I assure you it will not happen again. After spearing the pig the boys played a game, or a play about the hunters killing a pig. Everyone was laughing and goofing off when we should have been serious and dealing with things in an organized fashion. When they were doing this play they needed a pig to be killed, and Jack says why don't we just use a little one. This foreshadows that a little one will be killed in a hunting accident instead of a pig. Or maybe not on accident, just maybe on purpose. We found evidence like: it's head was nodding up and done, it had big black eyes and wings. So it has to be a beast. Ralph daydreamed about following his father to Davenport, where he has a cottage. He was drinking tee while relaxing with his family.
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